Web Statement
QUALCOMM has not provided MediaTek any right to convey, grant, or otherwise pass through to any purchaser of its components any express, implied, or other rights with respect to QUALCOMM’s patents, and MediaTek has not provided QUALCOMM any right to convey, grant, or otherwise pass through to any purchaser of its components any express, implied, or other rights with respect to MediaTek’s patents. No agreement or arrangement between MediaTek and QUALCOMM is intended to eliminate, reduce, or in any other way affect any legal duty, liability, or obligation that a customer or user of components may have to obtain a license from MediaTek or QUALCOMM, or to pay license fees and/or royalties to MediaTek or QUALCOMM, for the use of MediaTek’s or QUALCOMM’s patented technologies.
MediaTek and QUALCOMM cannot and do not advise any other parties as to the nature or extent of their legal responsibilities.